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Why HR Burns Cash

Did you know HR professionals keep giant wads of cash in the trash can underneath their desks?

They don't mean to put it there.

Still, because they oversee employee benefits -- and have virtually no training on healthcare financing or procurement methods -- they are easily taken advantage of by benefits brokers who financially gain from HR's ignorance on the topic.

If benefits brokers worked for employers instead of insurance companies, it would be fine if HR had only surface-level knowledge of benefits.

However, brokers don't work for employers, so they have no interest in helping employers maximize the return on their benefits investments.

The net result of this financial conflict of interest is that employers collectively waste $300 billion a year on healthcare -- that's about $2,500 per employee, per year -- wasted.

The only way to solve this problem is for employers to replace their broker with a fee-based benefits consultant who works for them --- not insurance companies.

Only then, will employers receive the objective advice needed to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities while maximizing the return on their benefits investments.

If you'd like help getting out of this mess, send me a message.

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