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Give Employees Peace and Prosperity in 2021

Florida Health Insurance

To help spread peace and prosperity in 2021, Health Compass is gifting some of its consulting services — a $10,000 to $50,000 dollar value — to a limited number of businesses through February 28th. 

Qualifying groups will have a custom health plan built for them that saves at least $2,000 dollars per employee per year while improving benefits.

To see if your company qualifies for this limited-time offer, schedule an introductory call today. 

The following content was originally published in Yahoo! Finance:

We’re all looking for peace in our lives, but in uncertain times, it can be very difficult to fin

But how do we get there, and what makes us feel at peace?

According to population health experts and their research on the social determinants of health (SDOH), financial stability is one of the key ingredients needed for achieving peace and well-being in our lives.

Unfortunately, even before the pandemic struck, a whopping 40% of Americans would have a difficult time coming up with $400 dollars to pay for an emergency expense.

Just what is prohibiting so many Americans from saving money, and what can businesses do to help?

Following the data, we discover that during the past 20 years, the rising costs of healthcare and health insurance are one of the leading causes of financial instability and income inequality. In fact, the US wastes anywhere from $1,800 to $5,700 dollars per person on healthcare every year.

But what would happen if we stopped reflexively giving our money to publicly-traded insurance companies and their accomplices in the medical-industrial complex and, instead, allowed Americans to keep more of their paychecks?

Saving rates would go up. Financial anxiety would go down. Peace and well-being would rise, and Americans would be better prepared to handle risk and economic uncertainty.

A Financial Blueprint For Achieving Peace:

Since employers are the ones who decide how health insurance is procured for employees, it’s their decisions that largely dictate how well — or poorly — these investments perform.

Under the status quo, many employers find themselves not only paying for healthcare employees never consume, but also overpaying for inferior healthcare which negatively impacts the financial, physical, and emotional lives of consumers.

Keep in mind that prior to Covid-19, medical error was the third leading cause of death in the United States — not disease.

So, what steps should organizations take in order to encourage peace amongst their employees while also improving their bottom lines and financial stability?

  1. Engage: The famed hotelier-turned-philanthropist Harris Rosen, who saved his company about $400 million dollars while improving benefits for his employees, said in a 2018 interview that “the broken system will not be fixed without active engagement by CEO’s or CFO’s.”
  2. Seek Objective Expert Advice: Many businesses unknowingly work with Benefits Brokers who accept undisclosed payments from Insurance Carriers; the more you spend, the more these Brokers make. Reducing operating costs requires businesses to hire Registered Employee Benefits Consultants and Certified Health Value Professionals who disclose all forms of their income and allows them to sit on the same side of the proverbial table as employers. Only then can companies receive the objective expert advice so desperately needed to improve benefits while driving down costs.

Although many businesses have already renewed their benefits for January 1st, they don’t have to “wait till next year” to start improving the psychological, financial, and physical health of their employees. The sooner employers take action, the more quickly peace and financial benefits will be achieved.

To help in this effort, Health Compass is gifting its consulting services this holiday season.

From December 15th, 2020 through February 28th, 2021, Health Compass is waiving consulting fees for qualifying businesses and organizations.

A $10,000 to $50,000 dollar value, Health Compass will build organizations a custom, high-performance, health plan that measurably reduces total costs while improving benefits for employees.

Schedule your complimentary consultation here today.

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